Priority Registration
What is Priority Registration?
Priority Registration is the best way to get the classes you need and not end up on the wait list. This helps you get the classes you need to achieve your goals.
Each student at CR is assigned a registration date.
Your registration date is based on whether you have Priority Registration.
If you have Priority Registration – you register earlier than the rest of the CR student body.
How do you receive Priority Registration?
To receive Priority Registration you must complete the following:
- New student orientation (online)
- Develop a Student Education Plan (SEP) by meeting with an academic advisor or counselor
In addition to completing the services above, to qualify for Priority Registration, you must also:
- Have an eligible educational goal
- Be in good academic and/or progress standing
- Have not earned more than 100 degree-applicable units
- Have not earned an Associate’s Degree or higher
For more information, contact Counseling and Advising at counseling or (707)476-4150
Priority Registration Dates for 2025/2026
- March 7 Deadline to complete orientation and develop an SEP for Priority Registration
- March 17 Summer 2025, Fall 2025, and Spring 2026 schedules viewable on WebAdvisor
- March 14 Students notified of Priority Registration status and possibility of appeal
- March 21 Deadline for students to appeal Priority Registration status
- March 31-April 6 Priority Registration for EOPS, SASS, Veterans, Foster youth, single parents, Rising Scholars Juvenile Justice and CalWORKs students
- April 7 Priority Registration for TRIO students and Native American Student Support and Success Program (NASSSP)
- April 8 -11 Priority Registration for all other continuing students
- April 14-18 Priority Registration for all other new students and students returning after an absence
- April 29 *Registration open to concurrent enrollment (high school students)